Any time you use a credit or debit or cash card to pay for anything sold by NC State, like theatre tickets, sporting events, transportation permits, lunch or fresh-brewed coffee, you can trust the university to protect your personal information.
During this fiscal year, OIT and the Controller’s Office worked collaboratively with every NC State merchant to achieve 100% compliance with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS), a collection of required policies and procedures every credit card, cash card, and debit card-receiving merchant must comply with to protect against the misuse of your personal information.
PCI DSS compliance also protects the university by significantly reducing the potential risk for data breaches, which protects NC State’s reputation and staves off thousands of dollars in fines that could be imposed each time a data breach occurs.
This fiscal year, NC State accepted credit cards at 90 locations yielding a total of 2 million transactions that add up to approximately $100 million per year. University Dining also attested compliant as a Level 2 merchant, meaning it exceeded 1 million transactions.